At what time should I be there on race day?

If you have picked up your race number before you just need to be there 20 minutes before your race starts. We have race info and warm up 20 minutes before each start.  If you need to pick up you race number, be there 40 minutes before you start. We open up the start area 09:00, please don’t arrive before that.

Marathon starts 10:00
Half marathon starts 10:30
10,5 km starts 11:00
5,5 km starts 11:30

Getting my race number?

The best alternative is to visit Resecentrum (Uppsala central station) on Thursday or Friday  before the race between 11:00-19:00. We have a stand just outside. Link to Google maps. Please observe that this is on the west side of the tracks. (The bus on race day leaves on the east side)
Another option is just to show up in Fjällnora at least half an hour before and we will give you your race number.

Do your free transfer buses go both ways?

Yes, when registering you can choose one bus to Fjällnora. That helps us planning, but it is no big deal if you change.  On the way back we have free transfer buses every half hour or so, no reservation needed. Please tell the crew if you have a tight schedule and need get priority if the buses get full.

How do your aid stations work?

We have plenty of aid stations, every 3 km or so. They are manned and have water, sports drink, banans, sweets etc. Even the 5 km-course has an aid station. Exception: The marathon course has three unmanned aid stations with just water.
This is a cup free race. This means that you bring a cup or bottle and fill it at the stations. If you don’t have any yourself you will get a Hydrapouch for free. You just come to the aid station, fill with water or sports drink and continue.

Aid stations, how often?

About every third kilometer.  At the 5 km course that means just one aid station, on the marathon there will be 13.  Here is a map of all aid stations.

What sport drink and nutrition?

You will find water, sports drink, fruit, sweets. The brand of the sports drink is Umara. On the longer distances there are energy bars, Coca-cola, and coffee at the end of the race.

How does the Hydrapouch work?

Everybody who wants receive a smart multi-use silicon cup, a “HydraPouch®” – please re-use if you have got one already. You just refill it in the aid station and drink. You can drink as you run, byt please note – it is not a bottle. Read more on

What shoes?

Your ordinary running shoes will be fine. Ordinary running shoes for streets is great. If you prefer trail shoes that will be fine too, but don’t expect to run faster – it’s only on the 5 km race that you can expect to run faster. On the marathon, half marathon and 10 km race the majority of km is on gravel or flat paths – just a few km is on more technical trails.

Last day to register?

30 days before the race the fee will rise. For another additional fee it is possible to register on site.

We generally have plenty of space, but 10 days before the race we print the race numbers (bibs). This may limit the number of participants. So, please register early – that will help us to arrange the race in the best way. If you by some reason need to cancel, just contact us and we will reimburse the sum minus a small service fee.

Is it OK to speak English?

Yes. Around 15 minutes before each start there will be a short pre-race information in English. Almost everybody in the staff speaks English.

How to I get to Fjällnora?

We provide a free direct bus from Uppsala. Or you can go with your own car, it is around 15 km east of Uppsala (Address: (Fjällnora, Uppsala”). Or bike, walk, run or by boat from Marielund. Please note that the regular bus from Uppsala, 809, stops about 3 km from Fjällnora. It is actually possible to take the steam train Lennakatten combined with their bus to Fjällnora, but it will be too late for most participants.

Asphalt, gravel or track?

It’s a mix. There are no mountains, but small hills.  The shortest course (5.5 km) is mainly forest, the others are dominated by gravel with some asphalt and track.

Medals, diplomas, T-shirts and prize money?

All finishers get a wooden medal “6 Sjöar”m produced in Sweden. We are environmental concerned, so there is more focus on running than merchandise. You will find personal diplomas as PDF on your result page to be printed. T-shirts are available to buy on site or afterwards by mail.


Timekeeping is carried out by Neptron. On your bib number there is a tiny disposable chip. Time is automatically registered as you cross the finish line and immediately available on the results page.

Is the distance exact?

No, as a race on mixed surfaces we cannot get an official measurement of the distance. The 10.5 race can turn out to be 10.3 or 10.8 depending on which the device you use to measure. However, we make the marathon slightly longer than the official 42 195 km –just to be sure. Your device will probably say something like 43 km when finishing

Can I change distance?

Yes, just send a message to If you change late (the last day) your result may not show in the lists. If you choose a loger distance you will pay the additional cost.

What’s in the start area?

Can I bring my dog?

A few dogs are allowed. Please contact if you pan to bring a dog or if you are disturbed by dogs. We will keep a dialogue to avoid problems.

Who organizes?

The non-governmental organisation 6 sjöar takes care of the race. The only aim is to organize the event. So, revenues will be used to improve the race. Volunteers do most of the work, even the race organisers are volunteers.

I’m sloooow. Am I welcome to walk?!

Yes! 5.5 and 10.5 km is possible to walk all the way. The longer distances are possible to walk half the distance at least.

Maximum time?

No hurry. Around 16:00 the last aid stations will close. But we will keep som service open until last person finishes. The previous years the last runner came in around 17:00 (7 hours for the marathon). If you plan to run slower than 6 hours for the marathon, please tell us beforehand.

How about elite runners?

You are welcome, but please note: No prize money and no special medals!

Can I get lost?

The routes are well marked with ribbons and signs, so don’t worry. On the two shorter ones you will encircle just one lake.  For the marathon and half marathon, you may like to have a look on the map – we will provide you with one. Bring a mobile phone just in case.

Shower and change?

Fjällnora is a popular beach in summer. We recommend a swim instead of a shower (please tell us if you need a hot shower, it is possible but is provided as an extra service). There are changing rooms by the beach.

Is the café open?

It is open daily 10:00-16:00. We have asked Fjällnora to have it open 09:00-17:00 on race day.

When shall I be there?

You can collect you bib number either in Uppsala the days before (outside the Central station, Thursday and Friday 10:00-19:00) or on site at least 30 minutes before.


Yes, you can store your luggage in the start area. There is a tent with staff, and they will write your race number on a piece of sticky tape and put on your stuff.

Child care?

It is possible to arrange, please . Depending on the child’s age etc we may charge a sum.